Ladies, What do Flowers Mean To You?

I am the type of person who likes to pick at people's brains. It's a way for me to learn about things in the world, get to know different cultures, and helps me to understand humans better. With that kind of curiosity in mind, I posted a question onto my facebook on November 16th, 2016: … Continue reading Ladies, What do Flowers Mean To You?

No One Loves Drama….Unless You’re a Writer

.........Okay, the title may not be entirely true. There are some folks who do act like they live to stir things up with other people, especially family. It's as if you'd think that they wake up and plan to start an argument and voice their opinions on every matter that doesn't concern them. If you … Continue reading No One Loves Drama….Unless You’re a Writer

Human Parasites: What are they, how to identify them and how to deal with them.'s definition of a parasite is an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense. Parasites are selfish. All that they do is take and never, ever give. They only care about the livelihood of the host  just to drain it of all … Continue reading Human Parasites: What are they, how to identify them and how to deal with them.