A few months ago, I had the urge to write something that reflected particular attitudes of my own heart. I hope that this story is something that you can relate to. . The $10 Secret By Daniel Bell "This job is horrible, God!" Matthew yelled to the night sky as he was walking home, at … Continue reading

Women in the Workplace and The #MeToo Movement:My thoughts on very important issues as a 31 year old man.

Maybe you are tired of hearing about it. Maybe you think the meaning of it has not been exhausted enough. A lot of people have said things, blogged articles and recorded videos about it since the cases against Harvey Weinstein surfaced in the media. Now it's my turn.  I want to try to expose my … Continue reading Women in the Workplace and The #MeToo Movement:My thoughts on very important issues as a 31 year old man.

He has No Limbs, but…

You are passionate about that ONE thing that you thought about doing for while. You are ready to go and ready to soar toward that goal! You are ready to...….. .....go back to bed and sleep on it, but never do anything about it. Why though?? What is arresting you from going after what you … Continue reading He has No Limbs, but…

Human Parasites: What are they, how to identify them and how to deal with them.

  Dictionary.com's definition of a parasite is an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense. Parasites are selfish. All that they do is take and never, ever give. They only care about the livelihood of the host  just to drain it of all … Continue reading Human Parasites: What are they, how to identify them and how to deal with them.