Don’t Sell Yourself Short!!

I love a ton of things. Donuts, water, love, jokes, women, truth, action films, and the list goes on, but one thing that I definitely love right now is OPPORTUNITY !! That is why I love the show Shark Tank so much. It's because it provides a great opportunity for people who are unsuccessful business … Continue reading Don’t Sell Yourself Short!!

Hope Builds Character( Excerpt 2 from my upcoming book)

Today may be one of those days where you just can't take one more criticism. You're just going to snap someone's neck if you hear anything that remotely sounds like a judgment! I've been there. You can just give a look and you know that the other person will know not to mess with you! … Continue reading Hope Builds Character( Excerpt 2 from my upcoming book)

Hope Ignites

Hope Ignites. Stop what you're doing and sit for a least 5 minutes then try to determine something. Determine what you are feeling. Is it depression? Is it sadness? Is it pain? Could it be joy? Or is it nothing? It is always good to examine yourself, and collect your thoughts. I remember that an … Continue reading Hope Ignites

Silence Your “What Ifs”!!

        In my mind, the only "bad" fail someone can commit is failing to try. A lot of us want to do things, want to learn things, want to be a particular person. All that is good, but not good enough. You're wasting that gift of air in your lungs if all … Continue reading Silence Your “What Ifs”!!